Remembering The Future

Cassette Tape $12 Digital: $8

For fans of Sophisti-pop


There are many questions we ask ourselves as we get older. Have things changed? Have we made for ourselves the future we wanted when we were young? Is the world a better place? Did we make a difference? The answers, for some, are rarely what we want them to be but we continue on, hopefully still striving for that future we wanted when we were kids.

The hard part is not letting it get you down. I use music to keep the sadness at bay but it doesn’t always work and I fall into deep holes of blackness for a while and give up only to hear the right song at the right time and get pulled back out again to strive some more.

Remembering The Future” is essentially a trip back in time, remembering my thoughts about the future. Where I wanted to be ten, fifteen, even twenty years from then. Remembering the wants and needs of every passing day from loves to come and loves had and lost, what will become of everyone’s future, and fighting for what you believe in, the divides that we have in the world, and the future of the planet. What would all this look like in the future?