On Monday, May 25th at 8 PM Central Time, Hotel Vegas will premiere our first music video from the upcoming album!
This is the kind of thing that we’d typically do live at one of our beloved music venues in Austin. The times, however, are not typical, and we’re looking for creative ways to adapt and continue to support each other. Right now, if you want to help keep the legendary #HOTELVEGASTEXAS alive, you can order curbside TO-GO:
- Available Thurs-Fri 4-8pm | Sat-Sun 2-8pm
- Burgers, Frito Pies, Beer, Wine, Frozen Margarita pouches, smokes + more
- Delivery within 5-mile radius OR pickup from our new window
- Order Online: https://bit.ly/HotelVegasToGo
The premiere will happen on the Hotel Vegas Instagram TV. Here’s a link to the Facebook event for more details.
Instagram | Facebook | Bandcamp | YouTube | Spotify |PeacockSunrise Records
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